Checked Premise


A good Knight home, but a lost game (until he blundered)

This game went well for me. No blunders, no mistakes, but a lot of inaccuracies led to a +1.5 advantage for him. He blundered away at the end, but I think it might have been a mistake. After the game is me playing the 1600 Lichess engine.

Advantage chart

Move times

Move report

Finishing his endgame

Best Lessons of a Chess Coach

This book is amazing. I mentioned it on Reddit, and a few people replied back with their praise. It’s like sitting down with a coach and having him quiz you as you go (and he goes over common wrong answers!).

Below is the main game from lesson 1, and the 3 supplementary games. I put in all the variations, but no comments. Get the book, open this page and go through this!

Lesson 1: Home Away from Home

Supplementary Game 1

Supplementary Game 2

Supplementary Game 3

It's called the "boring system" for a reason

Yes yes. I know. I copped out. I really didn’t want to slog through a drawn end game to see who messed up first or caved to time controls. Still, this game was fun to see the tactics of the London System, and to see a good opponent see through them. The next step is to cut down on those inaccuracies and set up the deeper tactics. I also enjoyed focusing on Knight outposts (and the defense of them). Below is the actual game, I put the drawing line as a final variation.

Advantage chart

Move times

Move report

HTRYC: Part 2: Knights (part 2...)

Keeping with the theme of putting Silman’s games into PGN format so I can follow it on the go, here’s another game from the knight chapter. I have had my ups and downs with these crazy movers. Back in my <1000 days, I loved them because I thought I was so smart and it’s just the openings that everyone has memorized leading to my loses. Turns out that’s not the case. I loved the knights because when you’re playing an 800 Elo player, they often don’t see the one-move fork you’ve been telegraphing. Then I learned to love the bishop pair’s ability to restrict the enemy from a safe vantage. Recently, I’ve been getting back into Knight-love, trying to see potential revealing attacks with check. Silman’s emphasis on strategy, something I enjoy more yet only have a rudimentary understanding of, emphasizes putting these crazy pieces in good locations and watching fun things happen.

For instance, here’s a position I got into recently after collapsing early and then basically shooting myself in the foot. Repeatedly. Right before I lost epically, I took a moment to admire my opponent’s position. This is a theoretical position he could have attained with one move. Wow. Sexy horses

And now…some better chess...

HTRYC: Part 2: Knights

Here’s a very poorly played game by white, but it’s a great start to illustrate the powers of the Knight

And here’s a wonderfully educational game by recent WCC V. Anand. Apparently even champions fall prey to this funny moving piece. Again, buy the book, it’s awesome

Puzzles for sanadan

Thanks redditor u/sanadan. Here’s an example of a puzzle. You can find (slightly) more detailed instructions in the thread over at reddit.

The 17th man

For some reason, Lichess is not connecting properly. Perhaps my internet, but I have been forced to play on I think there are more cheaters there (I was one on another account before I repented and found Jesus). Anyway, while it does suck staring at advertisements, this game went well.

I capitalized on a few big tactical opportunities after choosing an opening I don’t play (and definitely not venturing into the Marshall Defense, something I’ve only seen once). It seems our 12th move was a big turning point. I started by placing my knight on an unsafe square a bit early, but his response lost a piece for a pawn. Although I could have got more out of it, I took over the game. My final blunder was when we were both under 10 seconds; neither of us had a chance to mate. With that in mind, I only have 6 poor moves by the time we started our RNvR endgame with all those locked pawns.

The 17th man here was definitely time. I recently lost a game by letting him fork my king and rook, and I had plenty of time. I played well through opening and middle game, so I tried to use my time to shore up my endgame. We played at about the same level, but he was in a time crunch. I tried valiantly to get one last breakthrough instead of just dancing, but regardless, I was able to use time to my advantage and get him to lose.

Advantage chart
Move report

How to Reassess Your Chess: pg 14

This is a thick ass book. I will not post all parts of it (though I would thoroughly shake Silman’s hand if he put the whole book on I do want to post a few examples that I thought were relevant.
This first one comes from the introduction chapter. The last section is an introduction to planning. It starts with this game, and the position below is the teaching lesson. Here’s what Silman thinks you should get from this position (of which I got most right and chose the correct move):

  • White has an advantage in the queenside space
  • Black has a potentially weak pawn on c7
  • If Black pushes the c7 pawn to c6 or c5, bxc6 will leave Black with a weak pawn on b6 and a hole on b5
  • Black’s d5-pawn is weak since it can’t be defended by another pawn
  • Black’s only source of counter play is on the kingside - his d6-Bshop, e6-Rook, e4-Knight, and Queen are all eyeing that area
  • Black’s b7-Bishop, which is defending d5, is playing a purely defensive role
  • Black’s dark-squared Bishop is giving firm support to the c7-pawn while also playing a key role in any kingside attack that he might drum up
  • White’s b2-Bishop is inactive

Evolution of Chess Style

Kingcrusher does an awesome job if you’re in the mood for some history. Some of the early games are wildly (too wildly) tactical. Blunderful!

Fuck me right?

Seriously. If ever there was a doubt about my amateurism, this game would be that proof. Very few times I feel like throwing things and cursing in front of my daughter, but this is one of those times. I will attempt a productive analysis up until my meltdown.

Advantage chart

Move report