HTRYC: Part 2: Knights (part 2...)
Keeping with the theme of putting Silman’s games into PGN format so I can follow it on the go, here’s another game from the knight chapter. I have had my ups and downs with these crazy movers. Back in my <1000 days, I loved them because I thought I was so smart and it’s just the openings that everyone has memorized leading to my loses. Turns out that’s not the case. I loved the knights because when you’re playing an 800 Elo player, they often don’t see the one-move fork you’ve been telegraphing. Then I learned to love the bishop pair’s ability to restrict the enemy from a safe vantage. Recently, I’ve been getting back into Knight-love, trying to see potential revealing attacks with check. Silman’s emphasis on strategy, something I enjoy more yet only have a rudimentary understanding of, emphasizes putting these crazy pieces in good locations and watching fun things happen.
For instance, here’s a position I got into recently after collapsing early and then basically shooting myself in the foot. Repeatedly. Right before I lost epically, I took a moment to admire my opponent’s position. This is a theoretical position he could have attained with one move. Wow. Sexy horses
And now…some better chess...