The London System...a new opening?
It seems that many students go through system openings. I explored the King’s Indian Attack for a while, and while it allowed for a good king defense, I always felt cramped and wanted to trade, usually to my deficit. The London System gets my minor pieces developed and seems to punish trades with even better positions. My bishops are on great diagonals, and my rooks can support pawn storms from either side. I have seen a few videos on the opening system, but I found this playlist and after 1 video, I think I will devote a good chunk of game play working on this system. It complements my more traditional e4 set.
Here’s my most recent game, only my 3rd try with the opening. I won one quick due to a hung queen, and lost one due to a blundered endgame, but this one seems most instructive. Notice in the graphs that I made 1 inaccuracy, no mistakes, and no blunders!
Advantage Chart
Move Times
Move report