Playing the machine

I am trying a new learning system. I will play a correspondence style game against the level 1 Stockfish engine on Lichess. My goal is to work through "The Process of Decision Making in Chess: Volume 1 Mastering the Theory" by Philip Ochman. I came across this book near the beginning of my chess journey, but as my tactical skill was still utter crap, it ended up making me play worse. This plus Silman's "How to Reassess Your Chess" had me trying high level strategy before I learned not to hang pieces.

The goal here is to go through the process of each move that's not a continuation of a tactic. If I beat level 1, I will work my way up to the 2300 level 8 engine.

I am choosing the London System because that's what I've been working on. I don't know openings too well, so as long as I play the themes of the system I should do fine (besides all the other reasons I might do poorly).

Here's a link to the game: