Playing the London System: Game 2
Here’s game 2 of the book "Play the London System" by Lakdawala. I think it’s interesting how sure he was of b4, but it’s clearly a big blunder. Anyways, much better than my gameplay. Here’s his summary after the game.
When black plays …Bd6 and swaps bishops on f4, white retains a bind due to his control on e5. But in this game, white mistimed it as black could have played …Qd6 double attacking f4 and the check on b4. This would have forced Qd2 with an equal position. A good point to remember is: it’s always ok to play Bg3 when faced with …Bd6, but leaving your bishop on f4 is only good if you are sure you can deal with the …Qd6 double attack trick from Black